Solution of the nonlinear equation for isothermal gas flows in porous medium by Trefftz method


  • Anita Uściłowska Poznań. University of Technology
  • Jan A. Kołodziej Poznań. University of Technology


isothermal gas flow, porous medium, Trefftz method, fundamental solution


This paper presents numerical solution to a problem of the transient flow of gas within a two-dimensional porous medium. A method of fundamental solution for space variables and finite difference method for time variable are employed to obtain a solution of the non-linear partial differential equation describing the flow of gas. The inhomogeneous term is expressed by radial basis functions at each time steps. Picard iteration is used for treating nonlinearity.


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pp. 445-456



How to Cite

Uściłowska, A., & Kołodziej, J. A. (2022). Solution of the nonlinear equation for isothermal gas flows in porous medium by Trefftz method. Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, 13(3), 445-456.

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