Editorial Team

Editorial Board

Michał Kleiber
ECCOMAS Past President
E-mail: mkleiber@ippt.pan.pl

Tadeusz Burczyński
PACM (Poland)
Chairman of TC on Computational Solids
& Structural Mechanics of ECCOMAS
E-mail: tburczynski@ippt.pan.pl

Associate Editors

Ferdinando Auricchio, auricchio@unipv.it, ECCOMAS President

Herbert Mang, herbert.mang@tuwien.ac.at, ECCOMAS Past President

Eugenio Oñate, onate@cimne.upc.edu, ECCOMAS Past President

Manolis Papadrakakis, mpapadra@central.ntua.gr, GRACM (Greece), ECCOMAS Past President

Jacques Périaux, jperiaux@gmail.com, ECCOMAS Past President

Ekkehard Ramm, ramm@ibb.uni-stuttgart.de, GACM (Germany), ECCOMAS Past President

Section Editors

Piotr Kowalczyk, pkowalcz@ippt.pan.pl, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

Mieczysław Kuczma, Mieczyslaw.Kuczma@put.poznan.pl, Poznań University of Technology

Tomasz Lewiński, tle@il.pw.edu.pl, Warsaw University of Technology

Ewa Majchrzak, Ewa.Majchrzak@polsl.pl, Silesian University of Technology

Jerzy Pamin, Jerzy.Pamin@PK.edu.pl, Cracow University of Technology

Jacek Pozorski, jacek.pozorski@imp.gda.pl, Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences

Jerzy Rojek, jrojek@ippt.pan.pl, president of the PACM, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences


Bogna Matuszewska-Munk, bmunk@ippt.pan.pl